an interesting read

So recently I received my copy of Lead like Ike by Geoff Loftus from For those not in the know, Booksneeze is a site that sends out books to bloggers in return for a review. So here is what I thought of the book:
I found Geoff Loftus's book an interesting read on a few levels. Firstly, I enjoyed the thorough historical analysis of Allis' involvement in WWII.  Secondly, I found it fascinating how the whole war operation could be used as a metaphor on business competition. Thirdly,  I realized that the "Eisenhower model" of leadership can and should be used in most life situations.
Set goals, but be flexible. Delegate, but be involved personally. Be optimistic, teach by example, encourage team work. Even a housewife, like myself, will find these tips useful. These few and rest of the wonderful leadership rules are reiterated throughout the book, pointing where, why, and how they were used by Ike Eisenhower during the war. As well, one learns how these or similar ideas were used by famous companies and corporations to build up their businesses.
I would recommend the book for high school students.  


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