what to do with chicken from soup

For all those wondering about what to do with the chicken left over from the chicken soup, I'd like to share an amazing recipe.
Olivie, I also heard of it being called Olivier, is pretty much a (chicken salad)+ (potato salad) = wonderful filling meal.
Since this recipe is based on the chicken that you have left over, there are no "official" measurements:)
For 1 part chicken, use 2 parts potatoes. Eggs and pickles should be about the same amount as your chicken. Amount of onion depends on your taste, I often skip it altogether. The salad shouldn't be dry, put as much mayonnaise as needed. Salt to taste. Stays good in fridge for a few days, but may need additional mayo.

So here are the ingredients:

cooked chicken - cubed
boiled potatoes - cubed
boiled eggs - cubed
pickles(some put fresh cucumbers,I personally never tried)- cubed
fresh onion -cut into tiny-tiny pieces
1 can green peas



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