
As I've mentioned before, I've been doing lots of searching on the topic of frugality and budget management. I read blogs and forum posts of super-duper frugal people and very often see this one "helpful" tip : there is a great price on such and such on Amazon, get yourself the free (mom) prime membership and then subscribe and save. So far so good, a wonderful money saver. Yet, the next part really baffles me: the kind poster tells you to cancel the subscribe and save asap after the purchase. How is this not a theft? The subscription is what gives you that discount and you're knowingly TRICKING, yes tricking, the shop out of their money. And I don't care that their policy allows for such moves, it isn't about them. Its about people who see nothing wrong in abusing the system, but even more so that people see nothing wrong in lying and essentially stealing.


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