bye-bye warts

Funnily enough, another wonderful remedy I've found belongs to the plantego family as well. To start from the beginning, it was of course one of my kids who forced me on the road towards this discovery.  Doing reading homework with the first grader, I've noticed a small bump on his pointer. As days went on, a few more bumps( or pimples, as I thought) appeared on his hands. Weirded at the sight I turned to my husband, who nonchalantly clued me in - I was seeing warts. Apparently, " this was common, and over-the-counter treatable". Well, not so fast and easy. Neither OTC, nor prescription medications would faze those little stubborn guys. Google is definately my friend in these situations. And that is how I discovered the wonderful "banana peel method" for getting rid of resolute warts. Simply attach a piece of banana peel, the white /inner side on the wart, for the duration of the night. The warts turn dark brown and fall off after a week or two, depending on how long/deep the roots have reached. Yes, that simple.
Unfortunately, about the time I was dealing with my son's wart, my baby decided to stick his finger in my eye. A major eye infection over holiday weekend, isn't a pretty picture. Wrong! An eye infection with warts around the eye is a horrendous picture. Since warts are spread through open lesions in the skin, and my skin was oh so irritated from tearing/rubbing/wiping, there was no surprise in getting warts on my face. Taping a banana peel on the face overnight wasn't at all an appealing option. So I decided to give try to another method that I saw  mentioned on WWW. Juice of a grated raw potato swiped with a q-tip around the eyes burned a bit as it dried the warts, but worked like magic.
And so my tale ends, good day to all :), bye-bye.


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